My Social Experiment: Day One

As I previously stated, I am conducting a social experiment over the next month at least. I will not be using Facebook during that time, and that is simply the experiment. So, it began at midnight April 5th (Today). So whats my first feelings about it?

Well it has become a habit to constantly click the stupid facebook logo in my bookmarks toolbar and go on Facebook, even when absolutely nothing as going on. I still find myself yearning to do that. My status at midnight was “Goodbye Facebook!” and then I turned it off and blocked facebook and deleted any way for me to access it on my home computer. I was able to resist it at work today, so far so good.

In a way, Facebook is like a drug, I do find myself wanting to go on it, but then always come to a “why?”. So I think I should be good for now.

I do find myself looking for other things to do now, and now having to always know what other people are up to with their status’s and other garbage finds myself looking for other things to do. Tonight though, I am kind of bored. Watching the sun set outside my window while having the Bulls game on and typing this, that’s my eventful evening.

Don’t worry, I’m not having daily updates about this. I’ll probably check in next Tuesday with a week update, after that don’t really expect anything until a month happens where I decide if I’m going to log back on or not (Ohhh such drama!).

Life’s focus will be the usual. Finding a job, finding some other things to do. Who’s my friends? Who’s not? Who’s a good friend? Who’s not? and what avenues will be kept up without “The Facebook”. Oh and of course winning. Thats always what’s up!

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